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Rain Barrel Workshop June 4

On June, 4, 2014 The Jersey Shore Chapter hosted its build-a-rain-barrel workshop in Bradley Beach, NJ presented by the Rutgers Water Resources Program. Seventeen enthusiastic people interested in saving water, reducing polluted runoff and maintaining an Ocean Friendly Garden turned out to build their own rain barrels. IMG_8355Each rain barrel can capture an average of 1,300 gallons of rainwater per year. These barrels helped prevent 22,100 gallons of storm-water from polluting our oceans.


People built their own rain barrel, and brought then home ready to use.

Our next workshop the August 23, 2014 in Brick. Details are here.

Stay tuned to the chapter website and especially the OFG Page or Category for updates. Think your community would like to host a workshop? Please contact us with Rain Barrel Workshop in the subject line. We can use community partners to make these events happen.

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