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Bouncing Souls Board Giveaway

Many thanks to Byran Fischer of Samana Surfboards for shaping and donating a custom-made, Bouncing Souls inspired surfboards celebrating the band's recent album Simplicity. As planned we gave it away at the Souls' show at the Stone Pony Summer Stage. Our great volunteers Bill Williams, Nick Jiorlie, Jim Lusardi,  Andrew Chambarry, and Joe Coakley staffed the table. And when we pulled the winning ticket, the guy was right there in the front row. The band was stoked it went to a real fan! He's in the last picture.

The Board Shaper The Board Shaper

13686730_10102815481479525_2601061594968076085_n Joe Coakley & Andrew Chambarry - volunteers

Bouncing Souls Board on Stage Bouncing Souls Board on Stage

Board with the Band Board with the Band


The Board winner The Board winner