June 27th, 9AM
Manasquan, NJ
Interested in helping to improve the health of our local waterways and ocean?
This event is for you!
What: Ocean Friendly Garden Planting
The Jersey Shore Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation will be planting an Ocean Friendly Garden in Manasquan on June 27th!
Link to find out more about Ocean Friendly Gardens:http://www.surfrider.org/programs/entry/ocean-friendly-gardens
When: Saturday June 27 at 9:00 AM
Check our facebook event for location details.
Come out and help with the activities and learn more about the program!
We will have some tools, but if you can, please bring: a shovel and/or any other gardening tools.
Plants and garden design provided by RareFind Nursery located in Jackson, NJ. http://www.rarefindnursery.com/