May 16th 11:00 AM
Gazebo at 5th & Ocean Ave – Bradley Beach, NJ
Take a stand against proposed offshore drilling in the Atlantic Ocean with the New Jersey Sierra Club and Surfrider
We are teaming up with the New Jersey Sierra Club in order to organize a formal demonstration to show our concerns about the proposed offshore drilling off the coast of the Southeastern United States from Georgia to Virginia at HANDS Across the Sand. This would have a direct effect on the beaches of the Jersey Shore.
The event begins at 11:00 AM with speakers beginning at 11:30 AM. Everyone will join hands at Noon across the entire beach in a show off solidarity against offshore oil drilling in the Atlantic Ocean. Bring signs, posters, and your friends to show that we care about what goes on in our backyard. Come on out and let your voice be heard. Join the Facebook Event for more information.