April 16th 6:00 PM
Greenlight Surf Supply 187 Parker Ave Manasquan, NJ
Join us for chapter planning and event updates—plus you can stick around for a special surfboard shaping demo!
The Jersey Shore Surfrider chapter will have its April meeting at Greenlight Surf Supply Thursday, April 16th at 6 PM. The meeting will also include a surfboard shaping demo/tour from the pros at Greenlight for any aspiring shapers that want to see how it's done.
We'll be discussing ongoing issues effecting the Jersey Shore like the proposed LNG facility, Port Ambrose, as well as upcoming events like the Beach Sweeps, which are taking place on Saturday, April 25th. This is the 30th annual statewide beach cleanup put on by Clean Ocean Action. Our Chapter will be sponsoring the North End of Asbury Park so come to the meeting to learn how you can get involved and help out at this great event.
You don't have to be a member to attend so don't miss this chance to get involved and help your community. Join us Thursday, April 16th at Greenlight Surf Supply in Manasquan at 6 PM, and stick around if you are interested in learning how to make your own surfboard.