March 14th 11:00AM
Fins, 1930 Rt 88 Bricktown, NJ
Join us for delicious food, chapter planning and updates, and a special guest speaker!
The Jersey Shore Surfrider Chapter meeting for March will be Saturday, March 14th at 11:00 AM at Fins in Bricktown. Join us as we discuss ongoing issues, plan upcoming events that you can be a part of, and welcome a special guest speaker, Steve Yergeau!
Mr. Yergeau is the Environmental and Resource Management Agent from the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County. He will be giving a presentation regarding the environmental work he does as the Ocean County agent and how the Rutgers Cooperative Extension can be a great resource for residents. The presentation would also be of interest for those wanting to learn more about Ocean Friendly Gardens.
You don't need to be a Surfrider member to attend, everyone is welcome to share ideas, get active, and join in the fun.