You may have heard about the new NJ DEP proposal regarding coastal building rules. They would allow more building along the coast, in wetland areas, along bays, harbors and rivers. These rules are too weak to begin with and this would make them weaker. Write your legislators to stop this nonsense.
We don't need more development along the coast when we're still recovering from a superstorm. This flies in the face of the hard lessons learned from Sandy. We need to rebuild in a way that takes into consideration not just the current challenges, but future challenges like rising sea levels and larger storms. Loosening up regulations on development almost never do that.
Places like Asbury Park are standing up to protect the open space that would act as a natural buffer. But the new regulations would make it easier for developers to build on land that is there to protect what we have already built. So if you're concerned about coastal flooding affecting your home or business, if you enjoy the beautiful beaches that draw tourists year after year, or if you want to keep the Jersey Shore safe and beautiful for future generations, then write to your legislators here. It will take only a minute, and your voice will join the hundreds, and hopefully thousands of other concerned citizens. Let them know how important this decision is and how you truly feel. This campaign has made a difference, and more support could force the DEP to reconsider this reform.