Jersey Shore

Save Asbury Park's North End Beach, Freeholder Meeting in Asbury Park on June 26th!

Written by Chair | Jun 20, 2014 1:23:42 AM

Asbury Park's North End Beach needs your help!

On Thursday, June 26th at 7 PM in the Asbury Park City Council Chambers the Monmouth County Freeholders will be holding their public session. We need their help to save Asbury Park's north end beach from development.

RSVP on Facebook here.

It is imperative that we come out in force to convince the Freeholders to take up our cause. Mark your calendar and be there Thursday, June 26th at 7 pm at the Asbury Park City Council Chambers.

Background Information:

An important day in the struggle to preserve Asbury Park’s north end beach is just around the corner. This land is one of the last coastal open spaces in Monmouth County. It must be preserved. The Monmouth County Freeholders are in a unique position to do just that. They are coming to town on June 26th!

Since 2007 the proposed “Townhomes at Bradley Cove” have been opposed by thousands of people because they sit in an area flooded by lake and ocean waters, encroach on public lands used for recreation, wall off the beach and ocean, and are inconsistent with Bradley’s vision for Asbury Park.

Thanks to the leadership of Councilmembers Quinn and Moor, the City is finally submitting an application to obtain State Green Acres funds. These funds can be used by the City to purchase the development rights for this land from iStar.

The City needs help. The Green Acres grant requires a 25% match. If the City gets a million dollars from the State, the County could provide the $250,000 dollar match. They could also finish the appraisal that Freeholder Burry promised before her last election bid in 2011, which is still incomplete 3 years later.

It is imperative that we come out in force on Thursday, June 26th at 7 pm at the Asbury Park City Council Chambers. Let’s convince the Freeholders that Asbury Park’s north end beach is worth saving!