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Modified Beachfill Project in LBI

There is good news coming out of Long Beach Island. The Army Corps has modified the slope of the newly re-filled beaches of Harvey Cedars in the post-Sandy round of beachfill. The Jersey Shore Chapter has called for a modified slope, a gentler, more gradual slope where the sand meets the water for years. We specifically asked for this, as well as saving sandbars, before the first round out beachfill hit LBI in 2005. We were flatly told, "no", it is not possible by the Army Corps and NJ DEP. It might be because of the numerous injuries that occurred in Harvey Cedars. And maybe because people are avoiding Harvey Cedars beaches.

Eight years later, here are those changes we've asked for all along. Kudos to locals who made this a local issue and persevered. Start at the "Light Sanding" part of this article and be sure to watch the video at the end.