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Fisherman's Cove Cleanup a Success

Thanks to the almost 30 volunteers who came out this Saturday to clean Fisherman's Cove County Park on the Banks of the Manasquan River.  Monmouth County Park staff contributed another 5 folks who importantly brought chainsaws, dump trucks, loaders etc.  Together we got rid of tons of trash, literally.  We filled the loader ten times with just wood and a few more times with trash!

Fisherman's Cove Cleanup from John Weber on Vimeo.

It looks like an observation deck in the park, but it is really just a deck that floated there. It looks like an observation deck in the park, but it is really just a deck that floated there.

Loader getting loaded!  Loader getting loaded!

A chest-high pile of debris all went into the loader A chest-high pile of debris all went into the loader

An All American Pile of trash An All American Pile of trash

Can anyone identify what restaurant this sign is from?  Can anyone identify what restaurant this sign is from?