Jersey Shore

Thank You to Members and Asbury Residents Who Packed the Council Meeting!

Written by Chair | May 23, 2011 2:07:33 AM

Thank you to the over 50 Surfrider members and concerned residents of  Asbury Park who came out to the Council meeting to stand in opposition to development on the north end beach. Despite the Council’s unanimous decision to brake from customary procedure, putting city business before the public comment period, not a single person left.  For more details about the Asbury Park Save the North Beach campaign see our website at

Although the Council did not make hearing the community voice their priority, residents stayed to ensure their opinions were heard.  The most powerful moment was when Joe Mairo, co-chair of the Jersey Shore Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, asked that those in opposition to the development stand. The room was filled with standing people! It was an amazing turnout and sent a clear message to the City government.