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Governor Murphy Releases Transition Team Reports with Contribution from Chapter

We are proud to announce that earlier today, Governor Phil Murphy and Lieutenant Governor Oliver announced the release of the final transition committee reports. Chapter Chair, Andrew L. Chambarry, was selected to contribute policy recommendations which have been submitted directly to the Governor.

Importantly, the report contained recommendations including vehemently opposing offshore drilling, supporting municipalities that want to impose plastic bag fees and bans and policies that will help protecting and maintaining beach access. The policy recommendations can be read below: 

"Coastal tourism in New Jersey generates over $22 billion annually, however no laws currently protect our ocean from harmful proposals for oil and gas development. The committee recommends that the Governor should express vehement opposition to exploration, development, and extraction for fossil fuels off the shores of New Jersey."

"NJ beaches remain a top destination for millions of our state’s residents. Despite decades of lawsuits, all too often the public does not have access to the shore. Due to new beach development and some municipalities creating obstacles to full access, this problem has gotten worse over the last eight years. The committee recommends that the DEP maximize its permitting and regulatory authority to ensure beach access. In addition, the state should consider encouraging municipal public access planning, requiring that all publicly funded projects provide access, and studying alternate sources of access, operation, and maintenance funding."

"Plastic waste continues to plague our communities with litter and extra solid waste. In addition, some of this plastic ends up in our waterways and ocean causing serious harm to wildlife and natural areas. The committee recommends that the Governor support municipalities that want to impose fees or bans on plastic bags. Pilot waste-reduction programs could also be initiated for local food businesses."

Click the link below for the press release and link to each committee's report.