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ACTION ALERT: Beach Access in Jeopardy!

Access and use of our beaches and shores is a right, protected by the Public Trust Doctrine, that the NJ Supreme Court has reaffirmed at every turn (read notes from NJ Supreme Court cases here).  The Christie administration is attempting to turn access to our ocean and beaches over to towns and municipalities that have traditionally restricted access (Public Access Rule Proposal).

Please take the following actions to show Governor Christie that the people of NJ will not allow our right to access and enjoy our beaches to be taken away.

  1. Call Governor Christie -609-292-6000.
  2. Send the Governor an e-mail letter stating your opposition to the new rules.
  3. Submit written comments to the NJ DEP.
  4. Attend the Public Hearings - May 12May 17 & May 23.
  5. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper.
  6. Ask your state legislators to overrule the DEP and codify the Corzine rules.
  7. Pass these actions on to everyone one you know - don't let them pass this rule without hearing from us!

Check out photos of inaccesible beaches and our video slideshow.